Livstrong Garden of Greens
Livstrong Garden of Greens
Garden of Greens is all the veggies your pet needs daily. The process uses low-thermal drying operations that keep all the nutrients packed in the supplement, which provides the body with much more robust levels of phytonutrients that may support a healthier pet. Spirulina has potential benefits for immune system function and as an anti-inflammatory. Irish moss contains nutrients that may help soothe digestion and has fiber, Vitamin K, calcium, copper, and much more. Wheat Grass is a potent leafy green that adds valuable fiber to the mix. Beet Root provides plenty of micronutrients that may work wonders for the immune system, digestion, and healthy skin & coat. We packaged it in a recyclable jar with a 1/4 teaspoon for easy serving.
Dog & Cat Supplement
Veterinary Health Product: NN.G3K9
Ingredients: organic spirulina, organic Irish moss, organic wheatgrass & organic beetroot
***Just a friendly heads-up: when it comes to products sold by weight, we're doing our utmost to get as close to the requested weight as we can! Your satisfaction is our priority, and we're working hard to make sure you get the best experience possible.***